Not to many people know this, but, one of my favourite things to photograph are accidents and fires. I know it sounds a little weird, I never photograph the injured only the wreckage.
A boring friday night sitting at home with nothing to do, thinking I was just going to spend the night watching a few movies, when all of a sudden I heard sirens wailing through the city. I checked with my sources and found out what was going on in a hurry. A 3 car collision near the Toyota Plant in Woodstock with two cars on fire was the issue, so I grabbed my camera, which is always set up and ready to go, jumped in the car and took off to the location. Luckily there was a side road right near the accident that had a dead end so I could get up nice and close without being a disturbance to the emergency services. Unfortunately, right as I pulled up the firefighters blasted the cars with water and immediately put the fire out, which stopped me from being able to capture the blaze.
Firefighters surrounded the cars adding more water, opening doors and cutting pieces of the hood off the one vehicle while medics brought some of the crash victims into the back of the ambulance to check them over. Police pulled up and blocked off the roads and started to redirect traffic. I don't know what it is about accidents but it gets my heart pumping, I've always wanted to be a paramedic but just couldn't seem to get through the schooling to make it, so .... I guess photographing the accidents will hold me over.
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2013
© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2013
© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2013
© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2013
© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2013