Getting the word out: 
I have been accepted/invited to showcase some of my work in Toronto, ON Canada on June 19th, 2014 at the Revival Bar [783 College Street, Toronto] from 1pm - 3pm. This is the first time i've ever done anything like this, and for those who know me will know this is HUGE. I don't really like big crowds, I have social anxiety issues and Toronto has always scared me. Mainly the driving scares me.. it's brutal. 
    Ok, so here's what I need from everyone. This show requires that I sell 20 tickets to the event ( I'd love for you to come to the show, but even if you can't make it to Toronto you can still buy a ticket in support of me and my work and the RAW community.) Tickets are $15 each and the cost of the tickets does not go to me, it's simply to rent the bar out, to cover the tables, electrical chords, backdrops, etc.. all the things that go into making this show able to happen. 

What to expect at the show:
This showcase is not just for me to show off my work, of course. There are performing acts (bands, dancers etc..) Drawing artists, Painting artists, Sculptures, any kind of art you can think of is welcome, there's even fashion shows! So as you can see this is quite the event with lots to see and do. 

How to get tickets:
All you need to do to get your ticket and show your support is click on the link at the end of this blog. You will be taken over to my Artist showcase page on the RAW: Natural Born Artists website. From there you will see yellow wording to the right of my pictures that says " Buy A Ticket For This Artist " all you have to do is click on that and a window will pop up with all the info to get your ticket. Remember when you're buying this ticket to make sure my name and Kevin Vyse Photography is selected from the drop down menu. This allows you to buy a ticket through me for the event and helps support me and my 20 required ticket sales to show at this event. 

I'm really excited to step out there and show off some of my work. I'm trying very hard to shoot some new pieces between now and June 19th. Images that no one will see until the show. Once the show is over I will then be posting the images online. I really hope to see familiar faces out at this event and meet lots of new faces as well. 
Shutter Click!

here's the link: